Allante Keeshonden was born around 35 years ago when Jeri Kissling first became acquainted with the beautiful happy Keeshond. Today, I have 75 Champions to my credit including Hall of Fame Dogs, Register Of Merit Excellent (producing award) and two Best In Show; Allante can now brag that I have bred the first Keeshond Diabetic Alert Dog! Allante Keeshonden is well known for the temperaments and “brains” of the dogs born here and have many dogs that are titled in Obedience and Agility, one of my girls is the second in the history of the breed to be awarded the Versatility title with her Championship along with her performance titles in Obedience, Agility and Tracking. Keeshonds in my line have all been “stamped” with the Allante look and are easily recognized anywhere in the country.

The dogs and I, along with my husband Bobby, who competes our dog in agility, live on the Southside of Indianapolis, Indiana. I wrote for the AKC Gazette as the Keeshond Club of America columnist for 12 years. I was also a contributor to two of the Keeshond Breed magazines with dozens of articles. I am a member in good standing with the Keeshond Club of America and have been proudly awarded the AKC title of Breeder of Merit. Recently I was elected to the KCA Breeders Education Committee. I am a professional groomer by trade, and own my own salon and teach grooming at the academy.
I believe that the Keeshond does best when they are raised as part of the family and all of my dogs are housedogs. Because of the love and companionship given to the dogs as they grow, I believe they are wonderful housedogs and have the personalities of champions! My puppies are raised indoors, underfoot so that their socialization starts at birth. I also have an African Grey parrot that is in the “mix” and the puppies are raised with him. In fact, Biscuit the parrot calls all the dogs by name and is always asking them “do you want to go out?” We also have a sweet Holland Lop bunny named Spike who travels to dog shows with us.
I believe my success in the breed does not only show through my careful selection of only the best conformation dogs I keep and test for hereditary health problems, but my understanding of good temperments and training. My dogs have been recognized for years for their “showy” personality that is truly Allante.
Please enjoy the photos of the Champions, and performance dogs and feel free to contact me for more information regarding the wonderful Keeshond!

Bobby and Truffle